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Willingham Primary School

Eco Club activities and film project

During autumn terms, the Eco club focused on wildlife gardening and one exciting conservation project. Children chose to learn about local bats and their importance. They also looked at the necessary habitat requirements for bats and helped to supplement structures in our Wildlife Area/adjacent areas.

This work attracted the attention of moviemakers from the charity, University of the Third Age in Cambridge (U3AC). In mid-November, Eco Club pupils were filmed making bat boxes, showing the many features of the Wildlife Area and taking hardwood cuttings of native hedge plants that are important for shelter and food for insects, particularly those important to bats. The children explained why biodiversity is important, including for mitigating climate change.

The footage that U3AC took at our school will be part of a video covering children's actions in different schools around Cambridge to address climate change and how they feel about their involvement. Stay tuned for more information about when the ‘Bats, Bottles and Butterflies’ video will be released in the Spring!

Also, a big thank you to Cherie and David Davies, who volunteered their time to do weeding and DIY in the Wildlife Area!