Archery Event at Cottenham

10 children from Willingham had an Archery Event!
On Wednesday afternoon, ten children from Willingham travelled to Cottenham Primary School to take part in an Archery Event.
This is something that both schools did last year and as it was so successful, it was repeated on Wednesday!!
Mr Moore set up the equipment in the outdoor area which is normally used for the Reception children at Cottenham. It was a lovely enclosed space which made playing Archery perfect.
All the children mingled really well and had a very friendly and enjoyable experience.
It was an absolute pleasure taking the children to play Archery and we hope that Willingham would be able to purchase this equipment in the future so the children can experience Archery on a more regular basis.
Well done to all the children who took part, the behaviour was impeccable and we hope they all enjoyed the sporting opportunity.