Year 2: Illustration, part 1

The topic for Years 1 and 2 this half-term is ‘Flying High’. In the first few weeks, we learned about Leonardo da Vinci and we are now looking at illustration and, in particular, at the work of Oliver Jeffers, the author and illustrator of one of our favourite books Up and Down.
In English, the children are writing their own version of the story, choosing a different animal as one of the two main characters, and in art, they will be designing their illustration using pencil and watercolour paint.
The children began by identifying what makes a really successful illustration and looking at the characteristic features of Oliver Jeffers’ work.
In the first lesson, the children practised their ideas on whiteboards and scrap paper and learned how to draw a penguin in the style of Oliver Jeffers. In the second lesson, they went on to make their line drawing with the animal that they had chosen to feature in their story.
Here are some of the finished drawings. I can't wait to see them once they have been painted:
If you would like to try this for yourself, here is Oliver Jeffers' tutorial on how to draw a penguin.